08 September, 2012

Baby Fever

It's hard to say who suffers more when Baby is sick: Baby or Momma. I think I could have fifty babies and I'd still be a somewhat fretful mess when I notice Baby is running a fever.

This morning our baby woke up with a fever. I said to my husband, "The Baby. Is. Running. A. Fever." Jason, being equally excitable about these things, says "Oh noooooooo. Oh pooooooooor Baby." All plans for the day were immediately canceled.

Yes, yes, I know fevers are nothing to be afraid of (right?). I know they help to flush out the bad germs (yes! Fevers are good!).

But there's something that tugs (yanks) on my heart when I see shiny, feverish eyes that are looking at me seeming to beg "Help me, Momma!"

I lose all reasoning capabilities. Yes, Baby, I will carry you until my arms feel like they are going to drop off from fatigue. Yes, Baby, I will nurse you constantly so that by the time you are well I have bulked up my milk supply enough to feed a litter of children. Yes, Baby, you can sleep with your snotty face inches away from mine. When you cough into my face it reassures me you are alive.

But please Baby, remember all of this in a few days when your parents are stumbling around half dead from the virus you gave them.

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