24 January, 2014

Still Here

I'm still alive. I've just been doing a whole lot more reading than writing these past few months.

And my computer keep acting up. For the past year or two.

So I got a new one (yay!).

It took 2 weeks to the day for my 2 year old to track down my new computer and remove two keys from the keyboard. But thankfully, I replaced them.

Unfortunately, in my panic to right the situation, I didn't take the time to make sure I put the keys back as they were originally.

They were backwards for a full day before I decided there was no way I could train the keyboard in my brain to switch the 'z' and 'c'.

So I pried them off, put them back, and all is well.

And put a child-proof door knob on my bedroom door to temporarily deter my little techie son.

So, hopefully I will be updating this more often. As long as I can keep my computer out of my kids' hands, at least.

The computer killer, outside where he belongs.