24 April, 2012

A Medieval Feast

To celebrate the completion of studying Medieval Times, we just had to have a feast. We spent the entire day prepping for dinner and what a long (but enjoyable) day it was in the kitchen. By the way, this feast took place the first week of February. Yeah, I'm a little behind on updating the blog.

The girls and I came up with the menu and we decided which girl would help with each dish. The pretzels were probably the most fun because everyone got to help with those. This was our first experience with making pretzels and they actually turned out quite good (ahhh white flour!).

Reese and her pocket pies. I made the first one and she did the other three.

Hailey helped with the apple pie. I failed to snap a picture of it before dessert time but it was quite lovely.

They did not have plates in medieval times--they used a chunk of thick bread as a plate and piled their food on that. This was as close to the real deal as I could manage. We did use the bread/plate for the chicken, asparagus, and beef stew but after that the bread/plate was nice and soggy and we couldn't bear to top it off with dessert. The bread was great though--Paige helped with that.

We had milk or water to drink

I told the girls they could wear a dress of their choice if they desired. Paige took that decision quite seriously and wore about three dresses during the day.


All in all, it was a nice meal. The girls showed off some magic tricks they had learned and the projects they had done.

And the king ended up being quite pleased with the meal and the entertainment :)


Naomi said...

very cool mama! Love the fine dining collection, the girls attire, and King Jason's crown. Oh and the menu sounded delish!

Shannon said...

Love that! :) Good job!

Wendy said...

Thank you both. I'm a big fan of feasts :)