20 May, 2009

Ping Week in pictures...

Buoyancy The girls collected different household items and we made guesses on what would float and what would sink. They LOVED this!

Field trip to the duck pond.
We've been there plenty of times before but we had just learned a few more facts about ducks that morning so it made for even more interesting observation of our floating feathered friends. I was really happy that I was able to catch a duck (I kind of pounced on it...extremely ungraceful like). The girls got to inspect the duck's webbed feet, special duck teeth, and see the waterproofed feathers. We got to talk about how God perfectly designed the duck for it's habitat. Pretty fun little lesson!

Paige was NOT cool with the duck snatching the entire piece of bread out of her hand.

She really did not expect the ducks to be so grabby!

She got the hang of it though and learned to use her foot to keep the ducks back. Smart girl!

They all enjoyed petting these extremely tame ducks!! We did not see any ducklings and that was a little disappointing (and surprising given this time of year) but maybe we'll have the chance to check out the other duckpond I know of.

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