13 November, 2011

40 weeks, 2 days

Today marks my longest pregnancy to date. I'm not really all that uptight about it...yet. I'd certainly prefer not to be pregnant any longer but apparently Baby is not ready to meet the family quite yet.

Nice thing about waiting on Baby has been that we have gotten a lot done around here. There is nothing like an impending birth to get my husband into a frantic nesting mode. I don't know if it's nerves or what but that man can't sit still from about 37 weeks on. Right now he is out there cleaning the car. Last weekend he bought and assembled a bed frame. I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that he was rinsing paint brushes while I was sitting in the car, waiting to head to the hospital for the birth of our firstborn.

If I'm still pregnant by next weekend we might have our master bath tiled.

It's funny where your mind goes when you are due ANY MINUTE with a baby. Every time I put a new roll of toilet paper out I think "Maybe THIS will be the toilet paper I'm using when I'm in labor!" When I mopped every non-carpeted floor in this house the other day I kept musing "This is the LAST time I'll be mopping until after Baby is born!" (and that's the truth. Not doing that again for awhile.).

But then there are semi-sad little moments like when I'm holding my current baby, Penny, and I think "This could be the last time we are reading these books together where she is my youngest." And lying in bed talking with Jason until way past when we should have been to sleep (neither of us can shut up...seems like every time we go to bed on time we still find some way to talk for another hour)--once we are sharing a room with Baby we won't be able to push the limits of sleep deprivation. Of course, whenever we have a baby it seems like both of us are lights out as soon as our heads hit the pillow. But still...I will miss our discussions ("Isn't the whole idea of sleep just weird?" being a good topic to keep someone awake).

I just remembered a few things I should probably do before Baby gets here so I guess I should get on that. The baby car seat needs to be reassembled and installed in the car and by jolly I might as well do some online Christmas shopping. We're waiting on Baby but I can always find "just one more thing to do" :)


Naomi said...

Beautiful. That picture made me tear up.
What an exciting time! I can hardly wait to see baby #5!
Thats hilirious about Jason nesting. Tell him to get to crackin' on puttin' those chicken nipples on a 5 gallon bucket. Easy peasy. Oh then send him this way to help Justin tile my bathroom. :)
I admire you for stayin' busy cankles n all.
U rock, and u seem to be a natural capturing beauty through a camera lens.

Wendy said...

Apparently anything to do with the chickens falls outside his realm of nesting ;) I cleaned out their kennels last night though. He promised to work on the coop soon, nipples and all!