14 June, 2011

Journey of the Ex-Slob

I am not a naturally organized person (I have my husband deceived but that's only because I look organized next to him haha). I was the kid who did her homework on the car ride to school and stayed up until the wee hours finishing up papers and digging those semi-crumpled papers out of her Trapper Keeper. As a young adult I lost my drivers license at least once a year until I was about 22 years old. I'd fall into work at 2 minutes till I was supposed to be there and half the time I'd be carrying my shoes or have my shirt on inside out (I usually ate breakfast and did my make up on my commute). When I was put in charge of the controlled drug records at work, I figured I'd probably end up destroying the entire company over some addition error.

When I became a mother at the age of 22, one of the things that God really impressed on me was that I needed to break my bad habits in order not to pass them on to my children (hopefully). So I've spent the last 9 years trying to become the organized person I would like my kids to be (hopefully). I'm definitely doing a lot better--I have a purse (!) and a wallet (!) and they hang on a peg (!).

Ultimately my efforts are to please the Lord. I truly believe that part of being a good steward of the things He has trusted us with is a.) being able to find them and b.) managing them (No, I am not talking about my kids! I know where they are except for that one morning 4+ years ago...old blog entry).

The newest step that I believe the Lord is leading us to take is a tighter daily schedule, more responsibility for the older three children, more structured sibling interaction, and myself being even more intentional about my time. Last year I felt like we had a good routine going but God definitely brought some areas to my attention that need to be tweaked a bit.

I bought a used copy of "Managers of their Homes" by the Maxwells and have been poring over that and praying for direction. This book is a total answer to prayer! I can not wait to get our new daily schedule together and see the results. One of the things the book pointed out was that we are stewards of the time God had given us. That really convicted me as I know there are ways I can certainly can improve the way I use time. I need to ask God how He wants me to use the time He has given me. "You may not have time to do everything but you have the time do everything God has called you to do." is often repeated during the book. Which is wonderful because I often fret about all the things I can't seem to get accomplished. If I seek His will on what I need to do, then I shouldn't feel like a failure when I don't get those other things done. And just maybe, with more self discipline and a schedule I will be find it possible to do more in a day than before (I hope!). And I feel the need to stop thinking of it as "My Time" and instead think of it as "the time He has blessed me with."

I guess this is all part of the journey of an ex-slob :)


Naomi said...

Wow! I feel God leading me to do a lot of what you expressed in this entry. So glad for the daily refining our Father does in us and how he uses others to challenge, and encourage (u) each other (me) in becoming the best He created each of us to be. I can most def use help in this area and need help on where to start. I need it in our school day too.
Anyway great post; and I am interested in TOG..enjoyed reading your cur. choices too. I will be better organized one day. ;)


Wendy said...

Thanks Naomi! That is one thing I have noticed about our homeschooling journey--every year God has prompted me to be more organized. And each year has been better than the previous. And YES--I love it how He uses those in our lives to challenge and encourage! LOVE IT!
TOG...what can I say, we love it. I am by no means an expert on it but if you have any questions, I can try to answer them :)We (the girls and I) have learned SO much with TOG!