04 March, 2011

Who Cares About What Other People Think Anyway?

Uh, the unfortunate answer to that would be: ME! I care what other people think! And I wish I didn't! And collectively, I really don't but when I am talking to someone face to face it turns out that I do find myself wondering what they think of me.

Particularly when it comes to my little brood of girls.

So the girls go everywhere with me. And no matter what, we always get comments. Which I try to let roll off my back or to take in a positive way. But I don't always succeed. "Don't you guys own a t.v.?" has been my favorite so far, btw.

I understand we probably look a little chaotic thundering down the isle at the grocery store but really, we only have four children! People react like we have 20. I am always ALWAYS careful to respond kindly and cheerfully that our children are a blessing and that I enjoy them very much--yes, even though they are all girls. And most people are very sweet.

But sometimes they say things like "Bet you were hoping that last one was a boy." and it makes me really sad! Because I love the fact that I have 4 girls. And I adore each one and am so grateful to be their mother. And I don't want my girls to ever think that maybe I didn't want them or wanted them to be of the male gender. Sure, we'd love to have a son at some point but if we don't, then we are ok (my husband being part of the "we"--he loves his little girls, too).

And then there is the pressure to have everyone behave super awesomely out of this world when we are in public. If you see a family with two children and one is having a fit then it's "Bless that poor mother's heart." And if you see a family with 4 or more children and one is misbehaving it is "That mother probably doesn't have the time to discipline her children."

Same thing for me. If I am having a bad day or am frustrated with one of my girls and I speak a little too harshly to one of my children or don't have a glowing smile on my face or even look worn out tired (I have allergies--that's where the bags come from!) then people automatically assume that it's because of "all those children" and either feel sorry for me or think that I deserve what I get for being so stupid as to not figure out how to stop the children from coming. No one wants to hear the bad day from a mom of a brood of kids b/c I've made my bed and now I have to lie in it.

So I'm thinking I need a t-shirt that says:

Yes, they are all mine.
No, we are not Catholic.
Yes, we know what causes pregnancy.
No, we are not trying for a boy.
Yes, I do have my hands full but I LOVE it!
No, call me crazy but I am not scared for them to become teenagers.

And I'll start wearing that t-shirt when I start showing with Baby #5 (due 11-11-11)

Hehe :)


Doing our part to keep Austin Weird! said...

LOVE it!! Congrats, I hope it's another girl....

Wendy said...

Thanks Anna! I sorta do too :)

Shannon said...

You are so right....and it's nobody's business anyway. You are blessed. :)

Unknown said...

Everything we talked about today!!! Can't wait to hang out! I can't believe how much we are alike!