The recent cold weather was not easy on the chickens (or their momma). We left them outside during the first day of the sub-freezing temperatures. They seemed okay, patrolling the yard like usual. But later I noticed that they were bunching up and looking pretty cold. So I wimped out and brought them into their cardboard box in the garage.
We realized they would probably be happier with a little more room so we took a second box and made a little apartment for them. Sort of like a chicken tenement. They stayed there from Tuesday afternoon until Friday afternoon. It all went well until the final night when they decided to escape. I came out into the garage on Friday morning and they were roosting on some chairs that go to a table we were going to Freecycle. Looks like I'll have some cleaning up to do. Gross!
As soon as it hit 25 degrees on Friday morning I threw the birds outside. They clucked loudly at the snow but soon decided they were so happy to be at the end of their confinement a little white cold stuff on the ground wasn't a big deal.
I hope they enjoyed their pampering b/c they are back out to shiver in their coop at night after their little escape stunt during the last freeze. Well, except for tomorrow when the highs are in the 20's--they are in their box tonight with some heavy baskets on top of the screen lids. I am a mother hen myself after all--can't bear for my little princess chickies to suffer! :)
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