Besides the horrendous cedar allergies, central Texas is a great place to live during the winter. We usually enjoy a daytime temperature of around 60 degrees give or take 5 degrees. But God must enjoy reminding us of how good we have it down here because most winters we get at least one blast of artic air that tends to last for a day or two. Everyone joyfully busts out the scarves, gloves, and fire logs and we shiver for the day and then the temperatures rebound to where they should be and life goes on.
This year we got an extra dose of winter. We stayed below freezing for 72 hours--extremely unusal for this area. Schools had delayed openings, we had rolling blackouts, pipes froze, plants died, and we had wind chill advisories. As a reward for our 4 days of winter suffering (equivilant to 4 months of winter suffering for all other areas of the country), The Lord sent us some snow to enjoy. First He sent us a bit of freezing rain though so that shut the city down and then came the snow so schools and businesses were closed and most people got a genuine snow day. And sure enough, the day following the snow saw temperatures in the upper 60's. God bless Texas!
We aren't putting the winter gear away quite yet. We have the chance for an ice storm tomorrow morning. Highs in the 20's and then we'll probably be done with our winter weather for the season! Garden time is right around the corner!
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