You know how some weeks just have a strange feel to them? This one certainly did, at least to me. The whole fire thing put a few grey hairs on my head for sure. But it was definitely a week of ups and downs.
Jason (sort of) surprised me with a new camera. It's my Christmas present (for the next 5 years probably). I don't know how to use it. I'm not a naturally good photographer. But dang it, I might actually get a few good pics of my kids, pets, and plants with this baby.
Started baking our own bread again after a six month long hiatus. Yes, just in time to quit again in a few months when The Baby arrives.
DOWN (waaay down, like a rock at the bottom of the sea):
My mother is doing very poorly. I talked to her a few times this week and it's hard to have a conversation with her. The Mom I knew is mostly gone. I don't know if it's the morphine, the disease, or a combo but she is very much out of it. She's on hospice care now. I can't imagine it will be more than a few weeks before I get The Dreaded Call. My sister has been visiting her the past few Fridays and said there is a marked difference from last week and this week. Hurt, hurt, hurt. I guess this is really happening.
My child flew to California without me. Yes, she is with Jason. She is having a great time. She is seeing her great-grandmother and all sorts of fun relatives that live out west (they really are a great bunch). She loved the plane. Loved looking out the window at the tiny cars and houses(more power to you kid!). Her little heart is overflowing with adventure. But I miss her and it's not the same without her. And I miss Jason. Even though I'm happy to assimilate his pillow into my collection for a few nights.
Ending on an UP:
Over the past few weeks I have noticed that my two year old has been drawing faces! Love this picture: her little rectangular foot, the sleep mat in the back of her hair, her pudgy arm. Love, love, love!
I love your camera. You will notice how easy photography comes with a great camera. I don't think I am too good, it's just been the camera I borrowed, and editing that can attribute to any skillz I may have. Not saying I am good or anything. The pix of the flower, and your girls are great, so you are on your way for sure. And use your photoshop :)or picasa.
I do continually pray for you and your family concerning your mother.
Loved the picture of Penny helping roll out some dough and her picture drawing skills. :) She is super adorable.
I'm praying for you and your mom, Wendy. Praying that both of you will feel the power and comfort of the Everlasting Arms.
Love all the pictures! Praying for your Mom and you too.
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