--Which way the "greater than/less than" symbols go. Why didn't someone explain to me that the pointy end always points towards the smaller number? Huh? Really? Fifteen years after graduating high school I finally understand.
--My 5 year old still likes to cut hair (hers and her baby sister's).
--It's possible for a really cute 5 year old to cut her own hair and look like Rod Stewart (70's Rod Stewart). And 24 hours later, after her mom takes her to get her hair fixed, the same 5 year old now looks like Maria from The Sound of Music.
--I still hate getting up at 7 a.m.
--I don't have to set my alarm because Hailey wakes up at the crack of dawn. She sits on the couch petting the cat until 7:00 and then she joyfully crawls into bed with me. Hailey (breathing right into my face): Mom, you really hate getting up this early don't you?. Me: Yeeeessssss. With all my heart.
--School goes infinitely more smoothly when you have your older kids take turns playing with your toddler. Thank you "Managers of their Homes" for that tip (among others).
--If you put a band-aid on a chicken's toe, it will leave it there.
--If you feel that yourself or someone else is in danger of heat stroke, put bags of ice on their crotch and under their armpits. Fastest way to cool down. Similiarly, if you are working on a near-drowning victim you need to hit them in the crotch in addition to CPR. My midwife shared that with me today. Who knows when those two bits of info could come in handy?
--Our baby is head down and posterior. My uterus is so malleable that you could almost palpate facial features on this kid. You can certainly feel knees, feet and elbows.
--There is nowhere in the house I can safely place freshly glued papers to dry. Nowhere.
--If one of the girls loses an earring, the sure fire way to find it is by Jason walking around the house going about his buisness. Even though the women-folk have traipsed here and there and everywhere from 7 a.m. (UGH) on, all it takes to find the lost earring is for the Family Man to take his shoes off at the door and walk thru the house to the bedroom. Trust me, he'll step on the earring, it will stick all the way into his foot and voila, you've found that 14K gold ear jewelry. Hooray for Daddy!
This is funny! AB started Less than and greater than this week. I forget too. I tell the kids that the alligator is hungry, so he always opens his mouth to the big number. He doesn't eat the little one! How cheesy is that?! My poor kids!
Glad to know that about your uterus! Love how she gives you so much info! Also good to know you can save me!
I lol'd on the earring story! Even if Jason wasn't barefoot, I'm sure his shoes would have a hole in the bottom! ;)
Oh and I'm so glad that Managers of Their Homes has helped. I hope it works the same here!! Thanks for sharing the book! I'm excited about z's scheduled time with each big kid.
And the girls' hair looks great! They both look like dolls! Penny looks like an angel. Paige? Well, not an angel. :)
GOOD STUFF! I love your real sarcastic humor, it makes me laugh! I love Maria on Sound of Music! haha! Rod S. Rocks! Retro is back my friend. Pretty little girlies playin' beauty shop.
--I will have to check out the that book you referenced, it sounds good. Planning has def been the biggest lesson I am learning in our homeschooling journey. Thank God I am gettin' on the bandwagon early. I need it for a smoother year with a house full of kids myself. Happy to be encouraged by seasoned planners like youself.
Btw: You have a talent for writing, mama's can relate, you are funny, and I look forward to reading the next post. just sayin. :)
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