05 July, 2011

Money Well Spent

So glad I spent $50 on a chicken dirt bath!

Delighted that those beautiful flowers that were in it for a week were so thoroughly enjoyed by the resident poultry!

Can you see how much our chickens respect me? Trembling with fear, aren't they? (rolling my eyes)


Naomi said...

I love this picture!! We have lots of dirt where our coop is so I am looking forward to watching them bathe in the dirt. :) I like chickie watching like some like watching fish swim.

brookebrownell said...

they DO love the dirt. they really look quite pleased with themselves.

Wendy said...

Naomi, we are always watching our chickens! They are the biggest distraction ever, haha! '

Brooke, I battled with these birds over this barrel for a week or so. I was determined to have just ONE container in my yard that was not wrapped in ugly chicken wire. Can't win 'em all, I guess :)