Would you believe that there are three chickens in that little 12"x12" nesting box? Never would I have guessed it were possible until I came across this little bit of bird brained-ness. Apparently all but one had to lay her egg right that moment.
Also, did you know that if a Rhode Island Red attacks you and you backhand it in self defense it keeps coming back for more? Never would guessed that one either. I had to smack this chicken-with-an-attitude more than a few times, pick it up and restrain it by the neck, and finally hold it upside down to break its crazy spell. Seriously! I was just kneeling down petting one of the other birds and this one just charged me and would not back off! I have worked with animals for years and with birds in particular, you do not back down from them or else they think they are boss. Dealt with geese, ducks, parakeets, parrots, cockatiels, and even a turkey and this little chicken was probably the most fiercest avian I've had to take down a notch in the pecking order!
Weird thing about that chicken--she'll nail anyone except for Penny. Pretty sure that Melody (the chicken) thinks that Penny is the top bird. Penny walks right up to Mel and picks her up and carries all over the yard. It only looks ghetto when Penny is wearing a diaper and no clothing.
Melody is dealing with some hormonal issues hence the sudden aggression. She has apparently gone "broody" which means she would like to hatch some eggs and be a teenage momma chicken. Sorry Mel, a'int gonna happen. We finally got her off the nest and back out with the flock after about 10 days of perpetual nest sitting. Her attitude has improved greatly but I still don't trust her.
Final note on the portion of my blog dedicated to living with backyard chickens: A new little opossum has been coming around our yard. A year ago I would have been enamored with him. Now, all I see is a varmint going after my chickens! I saw him out on the patio the other night so I grabbed the Maglite and a flyswatter and ran out the back door at full speed, hollering insults at him and his mother, etc. I almost caught that thing! I did not know they were so slow! No wonder you see so many dead in the road!
And that's The Chicken Update. Goodnight.
I hopped over here from your comment on Amanda's blog since I am from Virginia, too. (I have been trying to get my husband to move to TX for 6 years... you are so lucky!)
Anyway, you have a beautiful family and I enjoyed your blog:-) Hopeyou and Amanda can meet, you sound like two very similar Momma's!
Yes! Another VA girl! :)
Okay, my animal friend, getting chickens is something i am scacred of now!! Chickens come after you??? Oh my! I will be scared to go in your backyard!!
This made me laugh!!!!
our broody took in the sixteen chicks that we ordered in the mail. boy was she happy that her golf ball had finally hatched!
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