Last Friday we finished up our school year. What a GREAT year we had!! Rewind to June 2009 and you would find me very nervous about the 2009-2010 school year. It was my first year to teach two children at the same time, we were introducing new curriculum, and we had a brand spanking new baby! Not to mention a rambunctious 3 year old!
Thanks be to God a million times over for giving us a wonderful third year of homeschooling. I can say without pause that it was our best year yet! Of course there were many challenges. And plenty of days where I taught while bouncing Penny on my lap (or nursing her). And most certainly my house is not as neat as I would prefer it to be. And our dinner menu has been very simple (but still shooting for healthy). And we have not been as connected with our friends--this does make me sad but hopefully we can catch up this summer.
I am so pleased with my students' progress! Reese is a reader! Hailey has become more of an independant learner. We have developed good habits (morning bible study being the one I'm most proud that we have maintained). Paige did well entertaining herself either in the playroom or quietely in the school room. And Penny has been a reasonably good sport throughout it all--though she was the worst napper I have EVER had (really--her issues with napping were quite terrible).
I do believe that I've grown as Christian, mother, and teacher as well. I'd like to think I'm more patient. And that I've overcome my perpetual stress out fest over the house not being as neat as I'd like. God has really kicked some selfishness out of me too. I've been impressed even more to see things His way. I try to remember to ask Him what He would like me to do this day--what does He want me to accomplish? I might desperately want to clean out the closet but He might direct me to deal with a heart issue that one of my kids (or myself) is struggling with. Another thing God has revealed to me: when one of my kids acts up, see it as an opportunity to teach and train instead of an annoyance to just deal with.
I could also go on forever about how much I have enjoyed studying the Old Testament with the girls. I am impressed even more that training up these children to love the Lord, serve Him, and keep His commandments is my most important job as a parent. It was amazing to read how God time and time again told the Israelites that if they obeyed Him, He would take care of them. And how if they did not obey Him, He would allow them to be destroyed. God means business. He meant it several thousand years ago and and He still means it today! Imagine if every family in America brought up their children to fear (respect) the Lord? I hope and pray that Jason and I can accomplish that goal with our family(with tons of help from our heavenly Father!!).
Time to get ready to jet off to swimming lessons. :)
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