The end of the school year is on the horizon. I'm really hoping that we can finish up our work by the first week of June. Right now we are studying ancient Greece with Tapestry of Grace. We've enjoyed spanakopita ("spinach squares") and will make a constellarium next week. There are so many cool websites on ancient Greece. Hailey and I have loved checking them out. We've read the kids' version of "Jason and the Argonauts" which the three older girls enjoyed immensely. We are also learning a bit about Greek mythology--the PG stuff at least :) Jason and I honeymooned in Athens so Greece has been of particular interest to me since our visit in 1996. The picture on this post is not mine but it could have been had our camera been working on our trip. One of the great tragedies of my life...broken camera in Greece. What a shame.
For science we are learning all about insects. My girls have had a lasting obsession with creepy crawly things so we've sort of had an ongoing study of bugs for the past five years or so. We are learning lots of new things though! And right now we have many containers lying around our house containing insects in their different stages of development. I think we currently have every stage except for the pupa and that should change any day now when our fat caterpillar decides to grow up :)
One thing I'm not cool with is strolling into my kitchen and finding dozens of inch worms spreading out from a container. One of the girls had apparently found a few eggs on a plant that contained a litter of inch worms. We'll never know what they grow up to be b/c I ordered them out the backdoor. I do have my limits.
Sad news: our 14 year old lab's days are numbered. Looks like the old girl has a mass in her abdomen. Breaks my heart. We've had that dog since before we had the kids. I've cried many tears into Summer's fur over the years. She's always been so patient. Content just to sit next to you. She's the best dog I've ever had. It's not hitting me yet--I'm not going there until I have to. We'll just enjoy her during her time left. We will always remember The Big Yellow Beetle :*)
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