The view from where I sit ... the Dyson staring at me (why bother putting it away?), my handsome husband playing his guitar.
Outside My Window...eerie wind sounds--storms are in the forecast tomorrow
I am thinking...about everything that I would like to get done tomorrow. Also weighing very heavily on mind is the disolution of a friend's marriage. How can someone treat another person so terribly? How can a father's heart grow cold towards his children? How this must grieve our heavenly Father. How I'd like to be the one to deliver swift justice--not my assignment though. Too bad.
I am thankful for...the personal growth I've seen in mine and my husband's lives recently. So thankful that God is in control and that He is SO good!
We are learning...about ancient China for the next two weeks. So fun! We are also studying the courtship habits of birds and all about eggs and baby birds. A certain five year old girl is beside herself with joy. She and I are both wishing we could raise a few ducks. Maybe next year?
From the kitchen...scraping by with what is left from our grocery budget. Brinner tonight, chicken tomorrow. Challah bread too! Our family consumed 11 eggs with our dinner tonight. Jason and I each had 2. The girls polished off 7 eggs between the three of them!
I am wearing... my standard day time uniform: jeans and t-shirt.
I am creating... a plan for tomorrow.
I am going... to vacuum out the car tomorrow if it doesn't rain. I'm trying my best to include this in my monthly chore routine. It must be timed perfectly though--baby napping, weather decent, older girls not needing anything.
I am reading... "A Painted House" by John Grisham. Read it once, did not care for it but I don't remember why so I'm giving it one more try. 100 pages in and not much is happening.
I am hoping...that Penny sleeps all night long tonight.
I am hearing...the same song over and over again while Jason learns it. I'm guessing that this song will be in the background of my mind for the next 3 or 4 days.
Around the house...diapers hanging to dry on the back of our kitchen chairs, seedlings meandering out of the seed tray, pencil marks on the wall that have an appt with Paige and Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser.
One of my favorite things... my husband playing the acoustic guitar. Very relaxing!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: library tomorrow, sort baby clothes, mail thank-you notes.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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