Today was my 30 week check up. I can't believe that we are doing prenatals every two weeks now! This pregnancy has already flown by--I'm sure the next ten weeks or so will be no exception--especially since we have done just about ZERO to prep for his/her arrival!
My visit was good. Baby is measuring 29 weeks (my babies always measure a little small) with a nice healthy sounding heartbeat (147 bpm). All my vitals are fine. I've gained two pounds in the last two weeks which is great because I've had a hard time putting weight on. This brings my total weight gain to either 10 or 11 pounds. Hopefully I can keep gaining a pound a week until the baby is born. I really expected to go in and have gained more weight because I've been trying to eat more lately! But I don't have much room so I'm not eating as much--thanks to my good old short torso!
The only down part of the visit was that my midwife is sick! Not contagious-sick but she's got something going on that is making her feel terrible all the time. Gallbladder sypmtoms but all the tests have come back showing a healthy gallbladder--she does not look well though. She's lost weight and is surviving on soup and a few other thigns. Not good. My heart really goes out to her. She is a busy mom and midwife and does NOT have time to be sick! Being a midwife can be such a physically demanding job and I imagine that it's been quite awful for her to keep carrying on with her duties. Selfishly of course, I hope that she is better in time for our birth. You certainly want the person attending your birth to be in as tip-top condition as possible!
I'm cooking up a ham for dinner which excites me way more than it should. Not exactly a healthy food but it should make for easy dinners for the next few nights!
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