- I have doled out no less than 9 spankings between all three kids (someone got 5).
- Paige has fallen off 2 chairs and one dresser.
- After administering a spanking I was told that I was being unfair because I had not specifically said that disobeying would result in a visit with the spanking spoon.
- I was described as "unfair" on four different occasions. And a "You are too busy to play with me" was thrown in there to make sure I got the point that I'm "World's Lamest Mom"
- Two cups of orange juice were spilled on the formerly clean kitchen floor (one spill was an accident, one was an experiment).
- I've made one tearful call to my busy husband (shameful).
- It took the girls an hour and a half to put up their laundry.
- The oldest child spent an hour and a half sitting on a stool until she could speak without whining.
- The cat barfed on the floor. Of course I stepped in it.
- I discovered several spots of blue play-doh ground into the carpet.
- Paige took off her diaper and I still can't find it.
- The dog, who was crated in the garage and had been let out already, barked continuously for two hours this morning for no apparent reason other than to join in the quest to drive me insane.
- Someone got a hold my car keys and the car alarm went off for twenty minutes before I realized that I was the inconsiderate person whose car was disturbing the neighborhood.
It's been a trying day no doubt. I was talking to my younger sister who is also in on the good fight with her own kids and she was having a low day too (this is not allowed--usually one person gets to be overwhelmed per phone call). She said "It just hit me: I will still be doing this next week. And the week after that! And the week after THAT!"
And then it was my turn for revelation. My attitude changed on a dime and I replied to her "God willing!" :)
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