pray about and reflect on the previous school semester and tweak our routine.
clean exotic, rarely visited places like the top of the fridge.
have the pre-semester mini panic attack b/c I know how disciplined I'll have to be every single day in order for life to run smoothly around here.
put pictures in picture frames! Third child still hasn't made it in a picture frame past her one year birthday.

clear out the garden now that I'm pretty sure all the wasps and snakes have gone to sleep for the winter. I don't know this guy, but this is the kind of nest I always imagine is lurking just yonder of the compost bin.
fuss over The Chicken Project. Nesting boxes are the next project.
color many pictures with the girls with their fancy Melissa and Doug colored pencils and coloring books.

stay up and watch the lunar eclipse with the oldest child. We were so tired...but it was pretty neat!
teach Paige to write her name. Again.

do seemingly endless fun Christmas projects and crafts (cookies, gingerbread men, gingerbread houses, chocolate covered pretzels, making ornaments, and more cookies).
(and this is the most important of all) be purposeful about celebrating the birth of Jesus, the greatest gift ever given. Christmas is a great time for reflection and soul searching. I always get very emotional when I think of the humble surroundings of the birth of our Savior. The movie "The Nativity Story" brings me to tears every time I see it. How merciful of our Lord that Mary and Joseph did not know what that precious little baby would endure as a man. What a beautiful story that God has written!