The Chicken Project is moving along with few complications. Who would have guessed that raising baby chicks could be so much fun? Certainly not me. The girls have been begging for chickens for a few years now and all I could see was more work for me and crushed chick corpses strewn about (we have a lot of predators around here: toddlers, cats, etc). Miraculously, everyone is still alive though the cats have made a few attempts on the little nuggets.
The chickies are getting big. They are five weeks old and are starting to look like real live poultry. Recently they spent their first night without the heat lamp on (and I was out there twice in the middle of the night to make sure they weren't too cold--they are dainty little girls you know.)
These little birds make great playmates--they don't have a problem with being driving around the yard as long as they are together. Apparently "safety in numbers" is a strong belief of chickens.
Hopefully The Project continues to go well. The chicks will be ready to go to their permanent home in a few more months. We are probably going to keep two of them--if we can build a coop (Jason and I aren't the handiest of people...we may just chuck the whole keeping-a-few-chickens idea if we can't put a decent coop together. We would have been the worst pioneers.) The thought of fresh eggs is so appealing. Plus, I think it would be neat for the girls to have childhood memories of pet chickens. Since we've said no to ferrets, hamsters, mice, parakeets, countless kittens, snakes, more lizards, monkeys. Pretty much anything you can buy at the pet store or on the black market.